
The Spectre of Communism

What else would you expect on May 1?!...

Dmitry Altukhov, May 1,1997

It is the first day of May in Moscow, the capital of the former citadel of communism - and the topic of this issue is quite obvious. Let's take a little surf in search of commies, parties, red bunners, and other cabbages.

Marx We start our journey at the main site -, where we observe a large archive of works by Marx and Engels, godfathers of the "most advanced ideology." All site is by some organization called Cyber-Marx International, mirrors are noticed in the US, Australia and South Africa, but not in the ex-USSR... The maintainers also note that they received letters of support from Russia, Korea, New [manifesto] Zealand, and other locations, where communism still attracts attention. The site also features "The Vladimir Ilych Lenin Internet Archive."

The Archive contains a vast number of publications, including the notorious spectre Manifesto. Another version of the Manifesto features even graphics and frames.

Communist parties are scarce, although we were able to locate pages of Luxembourg and New York State.

And, finally, a bit on trade unions - here we go. And a bit on May holidays in different countries of the world, including the Labor Day...

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